In the Cartesian spirit of France, with later inspiration from a methodical Corsican soldier named Napoléon Bonaparte, every square meter of the land bears a precise geographical reference, composed of the names of the commune in which the place is located, and the département to which that commune belongs. For example, my property at Gamone is located in the commune of Choranche, with an official population of about a hundred inhabitants, which is a part of the department named Isère. In a typical rural commune, there's often a central village or bourg in which the mairie [offices of the mayor] is located, along with the commune's main church, possibly a school and a post office, and usually a few cafés. In the same rigorous manner that I just mentioned, French road authorities place a huge name-panel at the entry to every village in France.
Why am I talking about all this? Well, in France, many villages are affected by what we might call the Stumpy Hollow Syndrome. That's to say, you don't realize you've arrived in the village before you start driving out of it. One such village, not far from where I live, is L'Albenc... which appears to motorists as little more than a few buildings grouped around a bend in the road from Saint-Marcellin to Grenoble. In fact, I'm exaggerating, because you encounter a village "square" at L'Albenc [a round-shaped intersection of a few streets] with a church, set against the backdrop of the Vercors mountain range.
Charmed by the quiet elegance of the 42-year-old Provençal tourist who signed in as Michel de Nostredame, the female innkeeper of La Croix blanche, named Christine Châtaigner, invited Nostradamus to dine at the table of half-a-dozen local dignitaries, who had ordered a simple but tasty local dish of roast chickens. Nostradamus wanted to know how such fabulous "slow food" might have been prepared, and he learned that the secret consisted of feeding the chickens with crushed wheat macerated in milk.
The L'Albenc hosts of Nostradamus imagined their curious guest, at first, as a reformist preacher of one kind or another. Nostradamus corrected this error by informing his friends that he was in fact a medical researcher. He had been summoned to Lyon to investigate an outbreak of the plague, and he was now wandering through Provence in a non-directive manner. As fine an after-dinner orator as Bill Clinton, the charismatic Nostradamus declared: "We are entering upon a huge schism. From a religious viewpoint, your village [L'Albenc] will not escape from the normal order of events. Invaders, claiming to interpret liberally the teaching of the Bible, will burn down your churches. For forty years, civil war will bring iron and fire to the Dauphiné. Even when peace treaties have been drawn up, the cost of supporting troops sent here to maintain peace will devour your resources. In the end, however, your village will return to its ancient beliefs. As in the case today, there will be a single religion here." Those in the tavern who listened in bewilderment to the speech of Nostradamus wondered whether the chicken meat of L'Albenc possessed the curious power of turning a tourist into a soothsayer. As for the oracle himself, he took leave of those who had listened to his words, and went to bed, for he intended to leave L'Albenc early the next morning.
Shortly after the visit of the strange tourist, L'Albenc and a good part of the Dauphiné province were devastated by religious wars between Huguenots and Catholics for nearly forty years, from 1561 to 1598.
New details, posted to History
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I was at the Variety webpage, and noticed this item from 10/25/2007, regarding
the Nostradamus film.
"Lost Book of Nostradamus" - produced by "1080" Entertainment, etc....
I posted this item on the History Channel Boards in Sept....
In 1558., Nostradamus, writing to Henry the King, mentions the Chaldean
"After Noah, of him and of the universal deluge, came Abraham, 1080
years later, which was, according to several, the greatest astrologer
and the initiator of the first Chaldean alphabet."
The use of the 1080, signifies the correctness of the Chaldean System, since
1080 represents the universal truth, and has been mentioned by Plato, and
others. In fact - current estimates of the total number of elemental particles
is - 10 ^ 80th power.
In Greek, both "Holy Spirit" and "Earth Spirit" have the value of 1080.
"The concept of natural numbers rests on an archetypal foundation. It
represents a preconscious pattern of thought common to all human
psyches, and therefore constitutes the basis for transmitting
knowledge to a greater degree than mythological images." ....Carl
In quantum physics, natural numbers are considered to be the ultimate
structural element of being.
The events described in this news article, represent the first scientific
verification of precognition through the dreaming function. The dream, correctly
interpreted, and appropriate number values related to the drawing in the
NY *...Lottery , on 10/10/1988...
Chaldean numerology:
The question is obvious, why would a so-called coincidence relate to
a cosmic event?
According to Carl Jung and Professor W. Pauli, Nobel laureate-physics,
number is the most primal archetype of order in the human mind. Therefore
it is pre-existent to human consciousness.
The date of the supernova appearing is in the dream numbers of 10/10/88....