Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cheese power

Whenever my lovely friend Corina decides to put up a video on her blog, I'm inevitably delighted, and tempted to steal her suggestions. [I've spent the last few weeks trying vainly to liberate myself from the haunting tenor voice of the Scorpions' vocalist.] I think Corina and I share the same sort of appreciation of humor, music and other things. Here's her latest delightful choice:

This video is all the more relevant in that Corina tells me that she's thinking of settling down in this cheese territory.


  1. it's not the subtlety of the trap that catches the mouse - it's the cheese.

  2. *smile*


    A candidate for a political post in a small town in Austria sent a vacuum-packed piece of cheese to households in the community. His slogan - "X can do better!" - printed on the wrapping.

  3. I am very touched by your post William!
