Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sad London bye bye bye

Lovely mysterious Amy Winehouse, you told us you were trouble. But how come you couldn't get past 27 years?


  1. So much talent, such a cruel destiny.
    I love her voice.

  2. We have chosen the same song in our article about Amy. Of course, this song illustrates pretty well her problem.
    She should have insisted to say No, no, no to rehab.
    The problem with rehab: it cures the body, but not the mind. Once people get out of the hospital, they continue to take the same amount of drugs. Since the body is not used to this any more, they die of overdose.
    Doctors should know better and try to find other solutions.

    I was very touched by her death. Besides the fact that I like her songs, her voice, her story reminded me of one of my patients, who died in similar circumstances.
