The list of nations intent upon censoring the Internet is not very long: China, Iran, Egypt... and, soon, Australia. Nice company! Think of it as a select little club, with visionary guides such as Stephen Conroy, and well-tested high-tech means to impose the desired censorship.
This hilarious guy is known as "Some Grey Bloke":
Click the picture to visit his website, where you can appreciate his broad and profound wisdom on many subjects. If you happen to be Australian, you should hurry. One never knows. Progress is such that you might not be allowed to watch this fellow in the near future.
Here's an encounter between Some Grey Bloke and a Man of God:
Members of the new generation (?) of Aussie Christian pollies are likely to be moved by these videos.
Sorry if I broke a rule that comments be post specific. I was lazy in tacking mine to your latest post mentioning Conroy rather than going back to this more relevant one. I guess my purpose with my reference to the lively writers festival session was to reassure that Conroy's grand plan is far from a dead issue here. Sorry the other unrelated trivial stuff wasn't of any interest either. I'm not an aspiring blogger, but the library session was nevertheless interesting for me, and did appear so for the aspirant bloggers. All the best, Ron.
Sorry if I broke a rule that comments be post specific. I was lazy in tacking mine to your latest post mentioning Conroy rather than going back to this more relevant one. I guess my purpose with my reference to the lively writers festival session was to reassure that Conroy's grand plan is far from a dead issue here. Sorry the other unrelated trivial stuff wasn't of any interest either. I'm not an aspiring blogger, but the library session was nevertheless interesting for me, and did appear so for the aspirant bloggers. All the best, Ron.